Picture of the front of the schoolFamily Friendly School AwardWe will work together focusing on the whole child.  Together we will think, learn and achieve.

School Data - A Maryland Blue Ribbon School

9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Mary Ann Clinton, Principal
Michelle Williamson, Assistant Principal

Facts & Figures
Pre-K through Grade 5
Facility Opened: 1993
Additions/Renovations:  None 
School Capacity:  548
Total Enrollment:  456 (2023)
Classroom Teachers:  38 (2023)

Demographics & Assessments
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) provides school-by-school information on demographics and assessments on www.mdreportcard.org. This site is updated annually as data becomes available.

Welcome to Fountain Green Elementary School

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